10:02: And I guess we're done.
10:00: Talking about her running for president. The crowd is chanting for her to run. Asking her what the 3 things she would tackle as president--didn't he already ask her that question?
9:59: OHHH. She's talking about endorsements & how she'll make some people mad when she gets into the primaries. I hope she comes to Kentucky to see Rand Paul!!! She's going to "assist" in contested primaries.
9:58: More talking about her kids after whining about the liberal elites attacking them. Talking about how her son hates it when she talks about him. Track wants us to thank the troops that came before him.
9:57: "The Palin Plan" is simple & drives the "elitists" crazy b/c it's too simple & easy to follow. "Bottom line: we win. They lose." More platitudes. More cheering from the teabaggers.
9:55: She's pretty ramble-y & awful off the cuff. And she probably had these questions well in advance. No gotcha media for Sarah.
9:53: Plow right on through being harassed when the media is mean to you. Yes, Sarah, people hate you b/c you love your country. But anyway, when the media is mean to you, you should "plow right on through it" & that includes going on Oprah, writing numerous Facebook notes about how mean people are to you & writing a book whining about how the media treats you.
9:53: Our country needs "divine intervention." I guess she wants to follow the Constitution unless it's having to do with the separation of church & state.
9:52: She is hard to follow. She's just rambling on & on. I guess she needs a teleprompter...
9:48: Dammit. There's a Q&A. I guess I'll blog this.
9:48: "Merchant of hate with an 'Oh Gosh' smile." Perfect summation of Palin's speech. Perfection.
9:46: Thank God. She's done. God Bless us all--I'm getting drunk.
9:45: Just referenced Trigg. 2 minutes after she whined about people talking about her children.
9:44: More masturbating to Ronald Reagan. Working for the teabagging ideals is apparently a great tribute to him.
9:43: More whining about people attacking her children. Crowd booed.
9:43: "Liberal intolerance." She's not even talking in sentences, just uttering words like that.
9:42: Freedom is a "God-given right & it is worth fighting for." America should never ever apologize b/c we are always right.
9:41: Still trying to figure out how Palin wants Americans to serve. But all I'm hearing are platitudes & what is obviously a campaign speech.
9:40: Palin just applauded Bart Stupak for trying to enslave women to their wombs.
9:39: Palin is telling us how to serve our country. We don't need a leader--we're not all sheep, everyone is a unique snowflake.
9:37: We should be drilling in America. No more "cap & tax."
9:34: Pro-market agenda. Lower taxes for small businesses. Support competition & innovation. Reward hard work. Make sure the game is fair. Get government out of the way. This speech is all platitudes. Seriously.
9:33: OHH she's giving advice to Barack Obama. Talking about how D.C. should be just like Alaska. She sounds like she's giving a speech to 3rd graders.
9:31: "Freedom lovers" need to realize that we are more beholden to other countries & less free & should be seriously pissed off. Because the democrats HATE freedom.
9:29: The crowd just boo-ed at the idea of "union bosses."
9:28: More bashing of the president.
9:22: "You're probably tired of hearing the talk, talk, talk." Yes, Sarah, please STFU & get off my TV for one day.
9:20: Wait, Alaska is the beacon of hope for democracy for people living in oppressive regimes. Did I just hear that right?
9:19: Again, bashing the president. Is that all this speech is going to be?
Fuck using diplomacy. Let's just invade all the countries who we don't like.
9:18: "We need a commander in chief, not a professor of law standing at the lectern."
9:17: Apparently, the terrorists hate our constitution.
9:15: She claims she's not politicizing national security. The Christmas day bomber not accomplishing his goal was a "Christmas miracle." I wonder how she'd spin this if we had a Republican president.
9:13: Attacking Obama's role in national security. Being able to see Russia from her house makes her worthy of being president. She doesn't need to know the different between North & South Korea or who was behind 9/11.
9:12: Just called Obama a "charismatic guy with a teleprompter."
9:10: Competition=good. Sarah Palin speaks in all platitudes. Seriously. If I were doing Jezebel's drinking game, I'd be vomiting already.
9:09: This sounds like a campaign speech. Jesus Christ. She's going to run for president.
9:08: "Stop blaming everyone else." No, Sarah, you have never blamed anyone else for your problems. Except for in 400+ pages in your book.
9:06: "Real people." Not politicos. "Common sense conservative principles." I just want to drink.
9:05: "Do you love your freedom?" No, Sarah, I fucking hate freedom.
Already the masturbation over Ronald Reagan has begun.
9:04: HA! One of the commentators just slipped & called Palin, "Paris." I can see the similarities.
9:03: "There's a big question about what [Palin] knows." Umm...duh msnbc commentators.
9:02: msnbc commentators are saying that the teabaggers don't want Hispanics voting b/c they cannot read. And these people aren't racist...right.
"Correlations between the current administration & Marxist dictators in Latin America." Apparently, that was a workshop at this teabagging conference. HA! This is going to be way too much fun.